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By creating work rich in symbolism and ripe with intentional ambiguity, my intent is to leave room for self reflection. My hope is that onlookers find bits of themselves laced throughout my pieces, simultaneously lulled in by a sense of nostalgia and jolted awake through twists of modernity.

B E C C A F U H R M A N | | | @fuhrmz
[lives & works – Seattle, WA ::: b.1988, Boise, ID]
BECCA FUHRMAN is an interdisciplinary artist who specializes in multimedia large-scale paintings. Trained in art and architecture, her interests lie in understanding and illustrating personal narratives between people and places. Fuhrman’s work is often autobiographical, depicting a memory or experience through symbolic imagery, creating her own personal mythology, and encouraging onlookers to explore their own. Fuhrman grew up in the dry foothills of Idaho where she gained an appreciation for desolate landscapes, dry roads, and all things that have a patina. She currently resides in Seattle, Washington where she works across many mediums including murals, painting, printmaking, graphic design, architecture, branding, and textile design. Exploration and education are critical to her practice. In support of furthering her art education, she completed two artist residency programs in 2022 as a resident artist at Pocoapoco in Oaxaca, Mexico, and at The Aquarium Gallery in New Orleans. Through travel and introspection, Fuhrman enjoys forming unexpected connections through a myriad of creative disciplines. Recurring themes explored within her work are feminism, memory, gender identity + representation, color + pattern play, and movement. In the next chapter of her work, she focuses on unearthing what it means to be a creator in the age of climate change.
Artist Statement
When I was little, I remember my grandparents had wallpaper in their dining room that didn’t repeat, but wrapped the whole room, telling a story across every wall. Visual storytelling, folklore. This mesmerized me back then and continues to preoccupy my imagination now. In a similar fashion, my work is often sequential, narrative-driven, and imbued with mysticism. I use found materials when possible, create unexpected associations, and explore imagery through the guise of time. Largely autobiographical, my pieces visualize storied bits of memory; depicting days gone by, fleeting encounters from the present, and notions of the future.
Relationships are the basis of my work; those we have with one another, ourselves, and the places we inhabit. The majority of the work I create is tied specifically to place, drawing ideas from traveling, where I’m living, and discarded memorabilia I find along the way. Vibrant colors and patterns are used to heighten sentiments, build abstract environments, and create tension. I incorporate symbols from my own mythology and interweave them with place-based inspiration in order to create thought-provoking imagery, seemingly playful at first glance but often seeded with peculiarity.
By creating work rich in symbolism and ripe with intentional ambiguity, my intent is to leave room for self-reflection. My hope is that onlookers find bits of themselves laced throughout my pieces, simultaneously lulled in by a sense of nostalgia and jolted awake through twists of modernity.
2013 BA Architectural Studies, University Of Washington, Seattle, WA
Dean’s List , Departmental Honors
2023 No Dead Artists Juried Exhibition, New Orleans, LA
2023 Forest For The Trees Group Seattle Art Fair Exhibition, Seattle, WA
2023 Looking Forward, XO Group Exhibition, Seattle, WA
2022 Keep it Moving, XO Group Exhibition, Seattle, WA
2022 Summer’s Over, By and By Group Exhibition, Seattle, WA
2021 SPF, Series 001, Seattle, WA
2021 Lean with it, Mural at Salon Moony, Seattle, WA
2018 Mama Tried, Artist for Progress Group Exhibition, Seattle, WA
2018 Arctic, For the Love of Plants, Group Exhibition, Seattle, WA
2022 Aquarium Gallery, New Orleans, LA
2022 Pocoapoco, Oaxaca, MX
2013 Rolland Simpson Endowed Scholarship for Architecture Award Seattle, WA