White Linen Light 2020 - schedule of exhibitions
Because of COVID-19, another big New Orleans event has been altered. White Linen Night was set to happen this weekend.
Thousands of people from around the world pack out the Warehouse District in their best linen and local art galleries rely on the business. Matthew Weldon Showman the vice president for Arts District New Orleans said the event brings in 40,000 people every year.
Showman said it's not safe for the event to happen. So, each Saturday for the month of August they are encouraging people to wear their white linen and come to certain galleries during the day while social distancing. They are also holding several online auctions.
"It's really hard the foot traffic in the arts district is almost nonexistent,” Showman said. “One of the most important things is just, it’s really important to support artists right now. They are struggling because of the lack of foot traffic coming through the galleries. Buy art and do it safely.”
Arts District New Orleans (ADNO), the organization that founded the popular White Linen Night event, is hosting White Linen Light through the month of August. The event will take place both physically in the New Orleans’ historic Warehouse Arts District and online. The 14 contemporary art galleries and various eateries, which compose the Arts District, have safely reopened and look forward to welcoming guests back in to visit and view their current exhibitions at a safe distance. Guests are strongly encouraged to don their white linen while strolling down Julia St. to keep the spirit of White Linen Night alive.
Each gallery will also participate in two digital auctions during the month of August that will run for two weeks each. The first auction will take place from 1 August – 15 August 2020, ending at 12 pm CST. The second auction will go live at 12 pm CST on 15 August and will be open for bidding until 31 August 2020.
This article has been edited on 08/11/2020 to fix errors in the original reporting.